Cette page est une archive de notre événement favoris. Cette année, retrouvez ici les infos sur le Hammer Time, la convention jeu de figurine.
HammerTime 2019, for those who missed it, how was it?
On June 6 and 7, La Forge Ludique landed in the Sébastopol Gymnasium in the heart of Lille with their colleagues from the world of figurines and games.

For its first edition, and thanks to the 400 people who visited us, the HammerTime was a colourful (but especially orange) weekend whose main focus was the figurine in all its forms, with a good presence of board games and cards.

On Saturday, clubs and registered persons were able to enjoy the 60 game tables and exhibitions. It was a privileged time when you could take courses in painting and sculpture of figurines, or in the use of complex tools such as airbrush or 3D printing. Nothing better to break the myth of the difficulty of model making. Our youngest student with a brush was 8 years old!
No less than 3 tournaments were held, gathering around Infinity, Warhammer 40,000 and Mythic Battle Pantheon players who made the trip from their countries (from our corner, but also from Gent or Paris). A painting competition was judged and rewarded by the illustrious Lambersart’s Canonniers !

On Sunday, all activities were open access. We were therefore able to find speed painting events, initiation to painting stands, participative demonstrations on all tables, promotions at the shops, a hundred Breton pancakes and of course a friendly atmosphere and warm hosts!
Big bonus for us, the visitors left with stars full of eyes, and arms full of gifts!

HammerTime was also an opportunity to test many new means of communication.
So we had a distinguished guest, Francis Minis, who runs a Youtube channel advocating the desacralization of figurine painting, making it accessible to everyone. He lent himself to our madness of the day, and took on the crazy challenge of painting an army in one day!
All the weekend was also the opportunity to make a live video coverage on the Facebook page of La Forge Ludique that we can rediscover at leisure here: https://www.facebook.com/LaForgeLudique/playlist/1036926836511531